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Free Initial Advice: 0161 883 0460

Do I need permission to take my children abroad on holiday?

Important factors

·  Do you and the other parent both have Parental Responsibility? If so, you need the consent of the other parent.

·  Is there a Child Arrangement Order in place stating that the children reside with you? If so, you can take the children away on holiday for up to 28 days without the consent of the other parent.

·  If the other parent is unreasonably withholding their consent to you going away on holiday with the children you can apply to the court for a Specific Issue Order, namely that you are granted leave to take the children on holiday.

·  If the other parent does not consent and you do not have permission from the court, you will be guilty of the criminal offence of child abduction if you take the children abroad.

Discussing holidays with the other parent

Start having discussions with the other parent as soon as you plan to take the children abroad. If you cannot agree then you should try and resolve outstanding issues through family mediation.

It is important that when children are taken abroad, the parent who is taking them provides the other parent with full details of the holiday, including travel arrangements, accommodation and flight details. Arrangements should be made for the children to contact the other parent via phone or the internet whilst they are abroad.

If you would like to find out more information about the issues raised above, please contact Susan Taylor. 0161 883 0460 or email